Hi, I've been very busy with other projects for a ...

Hi, I've been very busy with other projects for a while and I just started working on my animated series season 4. The first episode of season 4 will be released on October 28th, and if possible, I am planning to release a new episode on the 28th of every month. 

I think it's really challenging and time-consuming work. But I would really appreciate it if you could be my patron so that I can focus on creating animation series as much as possible.

When you become a patron, you’re pledging 5 dollars a month to help fund what I do. It means you’ll become part of my long journey to make people happier! 

I reorganized benefits for my patrons this time and added the additional perks. Please visit my Patreon for more information. patreon.com/puuung1
Hi, I've been very busy with other projects for a while and I just started working on my animated series season 4. The first episode of season 4 will be released on October 28th, and if possible, I am planning to release a new episode on the 28th of every month.  I think it's really challenging and time-consuming work. But I would really appreciate it if you could be my patron so that I can focus on creating animation series as much as possible. When you become a patron, you’re pledging 5 dollars a month to help fund what I do. It means you’ll become part of my long journey to make people happier!  I reorganized benefits for my patrons this time and added the additional perks. Please visit my Patreon for more information. patreon.com/puuung1
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