Late at night, I told her scary stories in the dar...

Late at night, I told her scary stories in the dark. ... A ghost popped out behind you! Haha. What? That's not scary at all! I guess telling scary stories isn't my forte!
Visit our shop to learn more about the book <Love is> published in 2015 that includes this illustration.⁠
#puuung #loveis #loveisinsmallthings #couple #couplegoals #relationshipgoals
Late at night, I told her scary stories in the dark. ... A ghost popped out behind you! Haha. What? That's not scary at all! I guess telling scary stories isn't my forte! ⁠ Visit our shop to learn more about the book published in 2015 that includes this illustration.⁠ ⁠ #puuung #loveis #loveisinsmallthings #couple #couplegoals #relationshipgoals
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