thirteenth story I picked up is by Tamuna Tushishv...

thirteenth story I picked up is by Tamuna Tushishvili

We rarely see each other because of our long distance relationship..But when we do we always make a lot of special memories.It was really hard to choose from them but I remembered the day of my soulmate's birthday❤We went to the same bookshop.He brought me there when we met for the first time.There were so many interesting books on the shelves.We were holding our hands while looking at the books.He kissed on my forehead behind the big shelf and the warmth made me dizzy.I was drunk with love.Although the weather was hot I felt cold,so he hugged me all that time and made me warm.After visiting the bookshop we sat in the cafe.The place was quiet so he decided to see my presents.The gift was my handmade diary with our memories in it❤I was looking at him impatiently waiting for his reaction and I felt really happy when I saw his exciting face,he almost cried.When he hugged me I heard his fast heartbeat.That was the best day and memory from our life❤

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thirteenth story I picked up is by Tamuna Tushishvili We rarely see each other because of our long distance relationship..But when we do we always make a lot of special memories.It was really hard to choose from them but I remembered the day of my soulmate's birthday❤We went to the same bookshop.He brought me there when we met for the first time.There were so many interesting books on the shelves.We were holding our hands while looking at the books.He kissed on my forehead behind the big shelf and the warmth made me dizzy.I was drunk with love.Although the weather was hot I felt cold,so he hugged me all that time and made me warm.After visiting the bookshop we sat in the cafe.The place was quiet so he decided to see my presents.The gift was my handmade diary with our memories in it❤I was looking at him impatiently waiting for his reaction and I felt really happy when I saw his exciting face,he almost cried.When he hugged me I heard his fast heartbeat.That was the best day and memory from our life❤ Who's next of the special event? Please tell me the valuable moment you want to cherish as illustration. I’ll be looking forward to hearing many of your stories. Visit the link below now !!
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