eleventh story I picked up is by Nelly Boldt Stric...

eleventh story I picked up is by Nelly Boldt Strickler.
Last year in January, my -then- boyfriend invited me to a "Snow Trip" in 태백시 where there was a festival of giant ice/snow statues. I was so impressed because I had never seen giant statues made of snow. There were Lions, Centaurs, Princesses, even the Hobbit's house.
My boyfriend threw a snowball at me and we had a wonderful snowball fight while laughing out loud. I hadn't played in the snow like that since I was a little girl. The moment we decided it was time to end the fight, we sealed a "Peace Treaty" with a kiss, while our heads were covered in snow, like powdered sugar ❄️
That night, he told me he loved me for the first time. Today, after a year and a half, we are happily married ❤️ And this is one of the happiest memories we have together.
Who's next of the special event?
Please tell me the valuable moment you want to cherish as illustration. I’ll be looking forward to hearing many of your stories.
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