Finally I am closing out the project that has been...

Finally I am closing out the project that has been running for the past 30 days.
Here are some numbers. 1,828 backed my project and the project raised $126,644. Considering that the project was pledged of $10,000 goal, the result turned out super excitingly. The total amount that the project raised also ranks significantly in Kickstarter. In illustration category, it ranks 3rd , and in the overall art category, it ranks 14th. The total pledge of funding is surprising, but the number that proudly touches me is the fact that 1,828 backers supported the project.
It has been my first project on Kickstarter, so I had begun it with a lot of mixed feelings and worries. Nevertheless, I am ending with a success! Thank you!
주식회사 퍼엉 · 대표자 박다미 · 사업자등록번호 203-87-00987 · 주소 경기도 수원시 팔달구 효원로93번길 34 208동 1206호 (우 : 16466) · 전화번호 010-9162-6282 · 이메일
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