My Modern Met

Charming Watercolor Illustrations Explore the Simple Moments of Love

Inspired by everyday instances of love, South Korean artist Puuung illustrates the little things that make real relationships great. In her ongoing series, Love Is, Puuung charmingly presents the small yet special moments that ordinary couples often share.

Rendered in soft washes of watercolor, Puuung’s illustrations perfectly capture the simple, understated beauty of love. The series follows a man and woman as they live theirs live together. Foregoing grand gestures of love for more personal experiences, the paintings convey the intimate interactions that keep the young couple close. Whether they’re sipping coffee, cuddling as they cook, sharing an ice cream cone, or giving their bemused cat a bath in the sink, the love that the man and woman share is always apparent and subtly sweet.

For Puuung, the decision to constantly convey love in her work has always been simple. In addition to an endless supply of endearing visuals, she enjoys exploring the theme of real-life romance due to its relatability, prevalence, and unfortunate tendency to be disregarded. “Love is something that everybody can relate to,” the artists explains on Facebook. “And love comes in ways that we can easily overlook in our daily lives. So, I try to find the meaning of love in our daily lives and make it into artwork.”

Puuung started Love Is way back in 2014, and continues to add to the collection today. Every Tuesday and Friday, she posts each new delightful illustration on Grafolio, a site where you can find the sentimental series—as well as her portfolio—in its entirety.

by Kelly Richman-Abdou

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