the twenty second story I picked up is by Paolo Si...

the twenty second story I picked up is by Paolo Silvestri

Hi Puuung!
Me and my girlfriend love your drawings, everytime you post a new one we always send the picture to the other and agree on how much are lovely! Keep it up!
The story I want to tell you is about the day we became and engaged couple. It was the 20th of April 2015 and we went to a park in our city. It was a beautiful day! It was sunny and we were both relaxed.That day I should've asked her if she wanted to stay with me, but I lacked courage. I fell in love with her a long time before and finally, after months, she started to feel something for me. We spent a couple of hours together talking to each other and resting and we were about to leave the park, but suddenly she stood in front of me,took both my hands and smiling broadly she asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend! I still remember that moment and that wonderful face, I was at the same time surprised and very happy! Of course I said yes and so our beautiful story began. <3 
Again, thank you for your awesome drawings!

Who's next of the special event?
Please tell me the valuable moment you want to cherish as illustration. I’ll be looking forward to hearing many of your stories.
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the twenty second story I picked up is by Paolo Silvestri Hi Puuung! Me and my girlfriend love your drawings, everytime you post a new one we always send the picture to the other and agree on how much are lovely! Keep it up! The story I want to tell you is about the day we became and engaged couple. It was the 20th of April 2015 and we went to a park in our city. It was a beautiful day! It was sunny and we were both relaxed.That day I should've asked her if she wanted to stay with me, but I lacked courage. I fell in love with her a long time before and finally, after months, she started to feel something for me. We spent a couple of hours together talking to each other and resting and we were about to leave the park, but suddenly she stood in front of me,took both my hands and smiling broadly she asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend! I still remember that moment and that wonderful face, I was at the same time surprised and very happy! Of course I said yes and so our beautiful story began. <3 Again, thank you for your awesome drawings! Who's next of the special event? Please tell me the valuable moment you want to cherish as illustration. I’ll be looking forward to hearing many of your stories. Visit the link below now !!
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